Monthly Archives: January 2012

My Song for today

Life a memory

Life is all but a memory

A memory of moments

Some beautiful and some ugly…

I always tell myself that life is all about building those memories – the beautiful ones are harder to create and the others simply happen.  It’s funny how years pass but you always remember those little incidents that happened one evening, a conversation, a something – the scene in all it’s entirety comes back – there is a song in the back ground, the road where you may have been, the sights and the sounds become the entire memory.

It is also an interesting observation for me to visit and re-visit the same exact thing in the depths of my memory and feel differently about it. So, then is it all about perception? How you feel at that time influences the way you perceive a memory then? What becomes of a memory then?

While I sort my thoughts…make sure you never miss an opportunity to create a memory of your own. I missed creating one today because life got busy…but there is always another time hopefully and who knows it may turn out even more beautiful?

Always A Dream?

A brief moment to pause and catch my breath

A dizzy moment where the head spins with all the running

Just when I raise my head to squint my eyes at the sun peeking through the sky high redwood trees

Just when I think I have the colors of life woven around me

Just when I think I have the softest whispers in my ears

Just when I think I have all the laughter tightly shut in my fist

Just when I think I’m the only reflection in your eyes

I but realize I’ve only begun chasing a dream all over again…and the fist is empty…